Turn off the system if a strange USB is plugged in

Turn off the system if a strange USB is plugged in


2 min read

Welcome back Hackers!

What you're going to learn

A Pro Cyberwarrior is going to show you, how to create a BASH script that turns off the System every time a strange USB device connects to the System.

Step 1: Create systemd service

sudo vim /etc/systemd/system/usb-shutdown.service

Add the following content:
Description=USB Shutdown Service



Now save it and exit

Step 2: Create the script

vim /usr/local/bin/usb-shutdown-script.sh


# Turns on the Script, if this option is set to false the script will not analyze the USBs.

# Function to check for unknown USB devices and shut down if conditions are not met
# If a USB device that is NOT in the list connects, then it will shut down.
check_unknown_devices() {
    if lsusb | grep -q -v "1f75:0917\|054c:0243"; then
        echo "Unknown USB device connected, shutting down..."
        /sbin/shutdown -h now

So now, you can check your USB devices with the command: lsusb
see what your USB ID is and put it in the list above. mine is "1f75:0917" thats the first USB and the second is "054c:0243", put yours in the list as above, you can add as many USBs as you want. I put an option to turn of or on the script, as i said if it's set to true, it will check and if it's set to false it will allow all USBs connections. I also added an option that runs the script every 10 seconds (you can change that) in case someone plugs in a USB device before the system is on, it will check every 30 second so even if someone plug it in while the system is off, the script will know it. Let's continue coding!

# Main logic
while true; do
    if [ "$USB_CHECK_ENABLED" = true ]; then
        echo "USB device check is disabled. Allowing connection..."
    sleep 10 # Check every 10 seconds (change if you want)

# Save and exit

Step 3: Make the script executable

sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/usb-shutdown-script.sh

Step 4: Enable and start the systemd service

systemctl enable usb-shutdown.service
systemctl start usb-shutdown.service


Now if someones connect an unknown USB device the system will shutdown.

Stay safe!